Sign Language
July 18th, 2024
Positive Consequences: Forgiveness - Mercy - Spiritual Strength...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Field Guide - 1 Peter 7.14.24
July 15th, 2024
Peter urgently reminds us to live with purpose and love in the limited time we have, to be sober-minded. ...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Field Guide - 1 Peter 7.7.24
July 9th, 2024
Peter offers a graphic description of a society engulfed in debauchery—a picture startlingly similar to certain segments of American culture. He challenges us, as followers of Christ, to live differen...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Field Guide - 1 Peter 6.30.24
July 1st, 2024
Peter shifts gears in this section of his letter to deal with a very specific issue. It seems as though the Christians he’s writing to are suffering, but they’re suffering for a very specific reason… ...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Field Guide - 1 Peter 6.16.24
June 17th, 2024
This instruction does not stem from a value judgment but from a recognition of different strengths and roles within a marital relationship, ensuring that both partners support each other in a way that...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Field Guide - 1 Peter 5.26.24
May 29th, 2024
Hostility is contagious. In our lives, whether at work, school, or home, hostility has a way of seeping in and affecting us more deeply than we might expect. It's like bringing home the stress of a ba...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Field Guide - 1 Peter 5.19.24
May 20th, 2024
Hope alone is not a strategy. It must be combined with action. Hope is essential, but it needs to be more than just wishful thinking; it must inspire us to prepare our minds for action and lead us to ...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Struggling with Christ - Josh Haines Expedition Men's Breakfast
May 17th, 2024
1 Peter 1 – We suffer to prove our faith and to bring praise, glory, and honor to God. We must set our hope on Jesus. We are judged as individuals for our faith, so we must not conform to our evil des...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Field Guide - 1 Peter 5.12.24
May 16th, 2024
I want to emphasize the absolute necessity of hope in our lives, especially as we navigate the tumultuous and often hostile environment of our fallen world. Without hope, we're left without resilience...  Read More
by Expedition Church
1 Peter - Hope in a Hostile World - Overview
May 7th, 2024
The book of 1 Peter is an encouraging letter written that offers hope, guidance, and support to Christians who are facing various trials and hardships because of their faith.1 Peter encourages steadfa...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 12
April 24th, 2024
We cannot have a church that doesn’t feel like it belongs to every generation. They are not the church of the future, they are the church… today. Right now. ...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 11
April 16th, 2024
As we travel, we will experience societies and cultures and circumstances that are either unfamiliar or unique and often will be unsettling. Why would we add a new value to our church? The world we ...  Read More
by Expedition Church



