Posts with the category “sermons”

Field Guide - 1 Peter 7.14.24
July 15th, 2024
Peter urgently reminds us to live with purpose and love in the limited time we have, to be sober-minded. ...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Field Guide - 1 Peter 7.7.24
July 9th, 2024
Peter offers a graphic description of a society engulfed in debauchery—a picture startlingly similar to certain segments of American culture. He challenges us, as followers of Christ, to live differen...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Field Guide - 1 Peter 5.26.24
May 29th, 2024
Hostility is contagious. In our lives, whether at work, school, or home, hostility has a way of seeping in and affecting us more deeply than we might expect. It's like bringing home the stress of a ba...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 12
April 24th, 2024
We cannot have a church that doesn’t feel like it belongs to every generation. They are not the church of the future, they are the church… today. Right now. ...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 11
April 16th, 2024
As we travel, we will experience societies and cultures and circumstances that are either unfamiliar or unique and often will be unsettling. Why would we add a new value to our church? The world we ...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Easter Follow-up
April 8th, 2024
The Bible specifically mentions Jesus’ crying three times. I’m certain there were more, we just don’t know about them. He wept over Jerusalem as He approached the city because of their sin, he wept i...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Easter 3.31.24
April 4th, 2024
To truly live, the seed has to leave its old self behind. There has to be death before there can be life. The grain dying is actually a really good thing because it brings about new life, more life, b...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 10
March 26th, 2024
Jesus is a complex person. He defies categories. He mocks stereotypes. He cannot be reduced or compartmentalized. He’s an enigma....  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 9
March 19th, 2024
So Jesus tells a story where a man who gets beat up and is left in a heap half dead on the side of the road. Two religious men, a Priest and a Levite walk by and do nothing. They ignore the man. A thi...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 8
March 11th, 2024
Our longing for peace and contentment would drive us to a place of simplicity, but life in our fallen world offers lies and cheap substitutions. When our lives become overcomplicated and stressful it ...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 5
February 12th, 2024
God loves me…loves us. When I was the most unlovable…When we are the most unlovable…God loves us. When we didn’t believe in Him…When we had rejected Him…God loves us. In our weakest moment…God love...  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 4
February 5th, 2024
The local church should be a shining light to its community and world. But when we become individualistic and lazy, we become the stumbling block....  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 3
January 29th, 2024
The great commandment has been called great because it’s just as prominent. In terms of wayfinding, it’s a landmark that can be seen from miles in every direction....  Read More
by Expedition Church
Wayfinding Week 1
January 14th, 2024
Wayfinding refers to the techniques used by travelers to discover unmarked routes. These techniques include but are not limited to dead reckoning, maps (earliest known maps are of the stars), compass,...  Read More
by Expedition Church



