Field Guide - 1 Peter 8.4.24
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1 Peter 5:6-11
Peter addresses the reality of living in a hostile world and emphasizes the presence of the devil, our spiritual adversary (literally "hostile enemy). Satan is described as a prowling lion, seeking to devour believers. Understanding that reality, Christians are to be sober-minded and watchful.
We must be careful to avoid falling into either extreme of over-belief or under-belief in the devil's influence. We should not be superstitious and overly fearful. We should also not be skeptical and overly dismissive. Instead, we should "resist him."
We resist by standing firm in our faith and relying on God's strength. We resist by employing and utilizing the armor of God. We resist by not "giving opportunities" to the devil by allowing him to use our own sin. By doing so, believers can effectively and confidently resist the devil's schemes.
Peter promises that after our undefined period of suffering, God, who has called us to His eternal glory in Christ, will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us. Regardless of how long we suffering, it will always be temporary. God will ultimately bring victory and restoration. Peter fittingly concludes with a doxology, redirecting our focus to God's dominion and power, affirming that to Him be the dominion forever and ever.
Personal Reflections
Additional Scripture
1 Peter 5:6-11
Peter addresses the reality of living in a hostile world and emphasizes the presence of the devil, our spiritual adversary (literally "hostile enemy). Satan is described as a prowling lion, seeking to devour believers. Understanding that reality, Christians are to be sober-minded and watchful.
We must be careful to avoid falling into either extreme of over-belief or under-belief in the devil's influence. We should not be superstitious and overly fearful. We should also not be skeptical and overly dismissive. Instead, we should "resist him."
We resist by standing firm in our faith and relying on God's strength. We resist by employing and utilizing the armor of God. We resist by not "giving opportunities" to the devil by allowing him to use our own sin. By doing so, believers can effectively and confidently resist the devil's schemes.
Peter promises that after our undefined period of suffering, God, who has called us to His eternal glory in Christ, will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us. Regardless of how long we suffering, it will always be temporary. God will ultimately bring victory and restoration. Peter fittingly concludes with a doxology, redirecting our focus to God's dominion and power, affirming that to Him be the dominion forever and ever.
Personal Reflections
- What did God say to you through this passage and teaching?
- Did God reveal anything new to you?
- How is this relevant in your journey to make disciples who Love God and Love people?
- What insight does Peter's metaphor of a lion imply about his tactics?
- How do we practically follow Peter's advice of being sober-minded and watchful?
- How specifically can believers resist the devil, according to Peter and the supporting scriptures mentioned in the sermon?
- What promises does Peter give to those who suffer for a little while, and how does this provide hope and encouragement?
Additional Scripture
- Titus 1:5
- Acts 14:21-22
- Mark 10:42–45
- Proverbs 3
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